In a photo taken on July 6, 2020 Seoul mayor Park Won-soon (R) attends a funeral ceremony for former provincial governor Ahn Hee-jung, in Seoul. - South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who promised to be a "feminist leader" during his election campaign, was under fire on July 6, 2020 for sending condolence flowers to the funeral of a convicted sex criminal's mother. Moon and dozens of senior politicians -- almost all of them male, and from both sides of the aisle, but mostly from his ruling Democratic party -- sent bouquets for this week's ceremony for Ahn Hee-jung's mother. (Photo by - / YONHAP / AFP) / - South Korea OUT / REPUBLIC OF KOREA OUT NO ARCHIVES RESTRICTED TO SUBSCRIPTION USE
Wali Kota Seoul Hilang, Polisi Dikerahkan
Tim Redaksi
July 10, 2020
Asia Pasifik, Internasional, News
YukUpdate – Wali Kota Seoul, Korea Selatan, Park Won-soon, dinyatakan hilang sekitar pukul 17.00 waktu setempat, Kamis (9/7/2020), sehingga polisi dikerahkan untuk mencarinya.
Laporan tersebut dibuat oleh putri wali kota kepada kepolisian setempat.
Park terpilih wali kota pada 2011 setelah pendahulunya mundur karena referendum tentang makanan gratis di sekolah gagal diwujudkan.
Park kembali terpilih wali kota hingga dua kali, yaitu pada 2014 dan 2018.
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